Updates on closure of Balboa Park cultural organizations
Areas and venues of Balboa Park will reopen in accordance with State and County regulations.
Read the latest park-wide advisory. or review advisories from individual organizations.
Welcome to Balboa Park TV!
While we wish you could be experiencing the park in person, the members of the Cultural Partnership have produced some amazing online videos which will provide a welcome break from streaming regular TV!
Please see our featured channel here, or watch compelling videos from all of the cultural organizations!
Ask us your questions
While we might not have all the answers to your Balboa Park questions, we would like to try. Chat to the Balboa Park LiveChat team.
The Balboa Park Cultural Partnership serves as the collaborative body and collective voice for 26 arts, science, and cultural organizations in Balboa Park. Together we achieve greater effectiveness, innovation, and excellence and contribute to the vitality and sustainability of Balboa Park. Our collective of 500 trustees, 7,000 volunteers, and 3,500 staff serve more than 6.2 million visitors annually.